
Sale registration application

This service enables customers to submit a request for registering the sale process between two parties: the seller and the buyer or their legal representatives. This registration applies to the purchase of land, real estate properties, or real estate units, whether they are completed or under construction.


1- A no-objection e-certificate (E.NOC) from the developer in the freehold areas (via Dubai REST App)
2- Emirates ID of the seller and the purchaser (for identification only, no copy shall be submitted) or a valid passport for non-resident foreigners
3- A legal power of attorney in case of a representative

Unregistered entities should initiate the company registration procedure.

Unregistered entities should initiate the company registration procedure.

Seller: 2% of the sale value
Buyer: 2% of the sale value-

Title deed certificate  issuance fees AED 250 for unit or villa
AED 100 fee for a land plot map for the lands outside the authority of Dubai Municipality
AED 225 fee for the land plot map unified with Dubai Municipality
AED 250 Affection plan fees  for  unit or villa

Knowledge fee: AED 10 
Innovation fee: AED 10

Service Partners fees: If the value of the sale is more than or equal to AED 500,000, a fee of AED 4,000 + VAT applies

If the value of the sale is less than AED 500,000, a fee of AED 2,000 + VAT applies

Via the service center:
Step 1: Make your way to one of the service centers - the offices of the Real Estate Registration Trustee.
Step 2: Submit the required documents to the employee for verification. Any deficiencies are identified and addressed. All required documents are uploaded via the digital vault.
Step 3: The employee enters the transaction data into the system and performs an audit.
Step 4: Pay the fees and receive a receipt for payment.
Step 5: The output is sent via email.

e pay

Real Estate Registration Trustees Center

 E-ownership certificate/e-usufruct ownership/initial sale contract (statement certificate)/initial registration contract
 Outstanding fee balance

25-35 Minutes

Banks - financing entities
