
Fee Refund Request

You can request for full partial fees refund for any a receipt paid before you are eligible for refund

Not Applicable

1. Receipt voucher.
2. Bank account details.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Through the Dubai REST application:

Service 1: Create refund request
Step 1: Go to the 'Services' menu.
Step 2: Search and select the 'Fees Refund Request' option.
Step 3: Select the 'New request' option.
Step 4: Enter all valid the information including bank attachments and other documents and submit the form.
Step 5: User will be validated by mobile or email OTP number.

The request will be sent for approval to the finance department.
If the request rejected by any reason, user will get notify by mobile/email address.
If the request approved by the Ministry of Finance, fund will be transferred to the mentioned bank details.

Service 2: Search existing request
Step 1: Go to the 'Services' menu.
Step 2: Search and select the 'Fees Refund Request' option.
Step 3: Enter the request number, which sent on your mobile/email after submit the 'Fees Refund Request' form. and press the 'Search' option.
Screen will show your request details along with status of your application.

Not Applicable

Dubai REST App
Dubai Land Department website

Not Applicable

Service duration: 7 business days