
Execution case

This service allows a customer to register execution cases for all types of applications (application for execution of evacuation - application for execution of financial claim - application for execution of tenancy contract renewal).

No Form

1- A copy of the execution deed (the judgement annotated with the execution)
2- A copy of the receipt of the amount deposited on the appeal file account (if any)
3- A copy of the offer and deposit receipt, in case the application is to renew a contract (if any).
4- A letter from the bank or an account statement indicating the IBAN number of the execution applicant (in case an update is required).
5- A copy of the original tenancy contract for contract renewal

All documents submitted must be in Arabic language or legally translated, and to be archived and posted at the Rental Disputes Settlement Center page https://rdc.dubailand.gov.ae according to the divisions contained in the system, as no hard copy document will be received.

An evacuation application fee of 1% of the value of the annual tenancy contract - AED 5,000 fee as a maximum
AED 100 advertisement fee
AED 25 fee for power of attorney registration, if any,
10 AED knowledge fee for each drawing
10 AED innovation fee for each drawing

In the event that the application is submitted to the Real Estate Services Registrar’ centers
Service partners fees of AED 130 + value added tax for service partners fees to be added

Note: In the event that an e-application is submitted during the execution procedures, a fee of AED 20 for each e-application shall be added

Via Real Estate Services Registrars
Step I: A customer will move to a service center (Real Estate Services Registrars)
Step II: A customer will submit the required documents to an employee, to ensure that no documents are missing.
Step III: The transaction details will be entered into the system by an employee and shall be audited and approved
Step IV: A customer will pay the fees and receive a payment receipt

Via the website
Step I: Signing up and creating an account (if the customer signs up for the first time) or logging into the system and selecting the service
Step II: Obtaining a judgement annotated with the execution
Step III: Submitting the documents and receipts
Step IV: E-pay the service fees
Step V: If necessary, e-applications must be submitted 15 days after of notice
Step VI: Paying the e-application fees via the website
Step VII: Receiving a judge resolution from the website

Noqodi Wallet
Credit card
Bank deposit (if high amount rental)

1)The website of the Land Department
2)Real Estate Services Trustee Centers

Executing the judgement awarded by the judicial committees

Duration of registration completion: 10 minutes
Service completion period: Business day

